When you are finished using the VPN, remember to disconnect. Enter your UCInetID and password, then click OK.All other traffic goes through your normal Internet provider. UCI – Route only campus traffic through the UCI VPN.IMPORTANT: Use UCIFULL when accessing Library resources.UCIFULL – Route all traffic through the UCI VPN.Select your desired connection profile from the Group drop-down menu:.Enter in the Ready to Connect to field, then press the Connect button.Go to Start->Programs->Cisco->Cisco An圜onnect Secure Mobility Client to launch the program.The other features are not supported so there's no need to install them. NOTE: We recommend you un-check everything (Web Security, Umbrella, etc) except for the VPN and the Diagnostic and Reporting Tool (DART). Click Next in the Cisco An圜onnect Secure Mobility Client Setup dialog box, then follow the steps to complete the installation.Click Run on the Open File – Security Warning dialog box.If you have the Windows Surface Pro X tablet with an ARM-based processor, you should download the An圜onnect VPN client for ARM64.You will need to rename the file to 'sys_attachment.msi' Note: If you're using Microsoft Edge, the program will download as a 'sys_attachment.do' file. Download the An圜onnect VPN client for Windows.